Tuesday, May 29, 2018

La Vie En Rose - Dockatot

I have been a parent for nearly a decade and had yet to find the perfect lounger until now. There is something so appealing about finding an AMAZING baby product, that you get to share with other moms, that may make their journey a little easier!

The DockATot has been our saving grace. Savannah has been my neediest baby thus far. It might have to do with the fact that she has been exclusively breast fed, or just because she knows she’s the baby, but its been so exhausting. Im basically a human pacifier, and if she could, she would be attached to me twenty - four seven. The DockATot has been the ONE thing she allows me put her down in. It makes nap transfers from my arms so much easier, because she still feels safe and snug. It feels like she’s got my arms wrapped around her still and she naps for so much longer in it. We co-sleep at night, so the fact that I can put her down for a nap in her DockATot, and not have to lay with her, or always hold her until she wakes up, (which I love to do when I can because she wont be this little forever) gives me some time to care for my needy toddler or change Austins diaper without a baby in my arms. 

Now that she’s starting to sit, it has made for the perfect little space to play. She fits right into it with a few of her favorite toys. It just goes with me from room to room, while I get things done. She can play in her own space, while mommy is right next to her folding those mounds of laundry that never end. It always works great for tummy time! helps with head control, and arm strength which we need the extra help with now, as she prepares to crawl. 

The DockATot is what mama dreams are made of. Its a safe, cozy space for your babe. Its a muli-functional lounger, a co sleeper and is perfect for playtime. The DockATot comes in two sizes. The deluxe that can be used for babies 0-8 months and the grand recommended for babies 9-36 months. The DockATot has been tested for breathability, is 100% cotton, and made in Europe. It also machine washable, and easily comes out looking brand new. And can we PLEASE talk about these patterns!! I chose the DockATot Deluxe+ in La Vie en Rose, and I just love staring at it, its so gorgeous. Its one of my favorite things to photograph, if I am being honest. I am already so excited to size up, and plan on using this for future vacations and beach trips. It'll be good for Savannah to have a piece of home with us. 

I highly recommend the DockATot, to any expecting mothers, or mamas that just need some good sleep, or some extra baby free seconds of the day! 

 Happy baby, happy life! 
xoxo B   

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